Diagnostic catheter is a medical device used to examine blood vessels, organs, and tissues inside the body. It is a thin, flexible tube inserted into the body through an opening, typically in the groin or arm, and guided to the area of interest to allow for diagnostic tests or procedures to be performed. It can be used to deliver radiopaque media and therapeutic agents to specific vascular sites.

Customization Capability

Benefits & Applications
What are the benefits & applications for Diagnostic Catheter in medical procedures?

01 Benefits

▶ Improved accuracy: Diagnostic catheters enable doctors to get a detailed view of the inside of the body, which can help in making an accurate diagnosis.


▶ Minimally invasive: Diagnostic catheters are minimally invasive, which means that they are less painful and require less recovery time than traditional open surgeries.


▶ Targeted treatment: With diagnostic catheters, doctors can deliver treatments directly to the site of the problem, which can lead to better outcomes and fewer side effects.


▶ Versatile: Diagnostic catheters can be used to examine and treat a wide range of medical conditions, from heart disease to cancer.


▶ Reduced risk of complications: Because diagnostic catheter procedures are minimally invasive, there is a lower risk of complications such as infection, bleeding, and scarring.

02 Why do you choose CUUMed Diagnostic Catheter?

▶ Our diagnostic catheter features advanced braided and reinforced technology, multiple braiding patterns and shafts for kink resistance, a larger lumen for higher flow rates and device compatibility, and a hydrophilic coating for low resistance during use. It provides exceptional performance and reliability for successful outcomes and improved patient experiences.