Where can I buy CUUMED products?

At CUUMED, we are dedicated to providing our customers with top-quality products and helpful, friendly customer service.


CUUMED supports global service. We provide catheter manufacturing solutions and catheter design and construction for optimal catheter performance. Also, CUUMED helps our clients establish the catheter production line in China, Singapore, Korea, Japan, India and Turkey, etc. For questions, comments and inquiries about custom orders, contact our sales representatives.


You can provide us product information first to accelerate the process! (ex, OD, ID, Material, Drawings, or send us samples)

For English service, please E-mail: [email protected] or call us at 886-2-9011000 to speak with our knowledgeable sales representatives.


華語地區: 請將您的需求(尺寸、材料能提供圖紙甚好)發信至[email protected]或是來電至886-2-9011000, 將有專門業務為您服務!